Destined to be…
Destiny Shiraz epitomizes all of the passion and dedication Erny and I shared.
Erny had indomitable creativity and an enthusiasm for life – a joie de vivre.
No challenge was too great.
Nothing was impossible.
We celebrate this legacy and cherish our memories of him.
Our Story…
In 1996 we started searching the winelands for a farm or a piece of land. After 6 months we were feeling very disappointed – nothing we had seen had sparked any magic. Just about to give up, we received a call from an estate agent, encouraging us to take a look at some land which had just been put up for sale. There was no road, just a dirt track, and as we bumped along the track, with bushes and branches scraping the sides of our car, we shared a mounting sense of excitement. We finally stopped at the very top of the hill. The sun was setting. Table Mountain was clearly visible in the red orange glow of evening. And Erny and I looked at each other – this was it – this was our Mont Destin.